Tuesday, June 29, 2010

More 6 months pics...

Here are the professional pictures we had done for 6 months...she is getting so big!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Caden's Graduation

Okay, two posts in one day...whoa, this is like a record for me! I finally got around to downloading my pictures from my camera so I am playing catch up!
Caden had his graduation ceremony last week and will officially start Kindergarten in the fall. He is excited, but is a little nervous, because I guess the word on the preschool street is that Kindergarten is A LOT of work, and we all know Caden is not that into work. :(

Daddy & Caden at the graduation ceremony. I think they are looking more and more alike!

Caden and his best friend Fuma. Fuma didn't speak English in the beginning of the year, so it was a pretty one sided friendship. He speaks really well now though, so I am glad it stuck. Caden is very proud to tell everyone that his best friend is from Japan. :)

This is Caden and ONE of his girlfriends named Greta. He must like the older girls because she is almost a full year older than him (hence the height difference, although Caden is a bit of a shorty!).
Finally, here is just a picture of Eli being silly. I feel bad that he is only one that didn't get a picture up today! And before you ask, yes he is getting a haircut TODAY actually. I think he looks a lot like Richard Simmons here! :)

Happy 1/2 Birthday!

Hi my name is Amelia Ann and I turned 6 months yesterday! Just a few important things about me are that I am almost sitting up by myself, and I am finally sleeping about 10-11 hours in a row at night! If I am awake, I really only like to be on someone's hip and if you try to lay me down I will politely let you know how much I dislike that idea. I really don't care to eat babyfood, but I really like my bottles. I am totally in love with my daddy, and my brothers crack me up all the time!!


With my big cousin Stella...she's going in for kiss! These little girls are going to be BFF's for sure!

Daddy and his girl...

With my two big brothers...they love me SOOO much!!
Okay, I showed the boys this post and Caden was not happy that I didn't show any of his "moves" on the video. So when I went back and looked again, there actually were not any videos showing his best moves....but this one cracked me up. Eli is just so goofy.