Sunday, October 17, 2010

So boys can be sweet too...

Lately I have been amazed by how much my boys love their little sister and likewise. I can honestly say there has never been one ounce of jealousy shown by either of the boys towards her. They just adore her every single move, and it just warms my heart.

The other day we were just getting home from a visit to grandma & grandpa Ringgers so we had been in the car for about 2 hours (including at least 2 roadside bathroom stops for the boys). While I unloaded the car, I put Millie in the stroller and propped her up in the driveway to watch the boys ride their bikes. After about 10 minutes of unloading I came back to get her out of the stroller. We were all looking rough that morning since we pretty much woke up and got in the truck to drive home so Millie was still her in PJ's, but when I came back to get her she had a perfectly placed little pink bow in her hair that was definitely not there 10 minutes earlier. It just about made me cry that one of my boys (I didn't even ask who did it), found a bow somewhere in the truck, ground, or where ever and thought that sissy needed to look pretty even in the midst of all the craziness.

So anyway, here is a video of Millie CRACKING UP at Caden and some cute pictures of the boys!!

Here is Eli at preschool, they had a real helicopter come visit the school and they all were able to dress up and pretend to be a pilot!

Here is Caden's first Kindergarten picture...