Tuesday, September 9, 2008

It's been awhile!!

Okay, I know it has been a long time since I have updated. I am starting to wonder if I really have enough time for this blog thing. Okay, yeah sure, my sister who also has two young kids and works full time does it...but I am having a hard time! LOL

Anyhoo....well, the reason (excuse) that I haven't posted for awhile is that we left our camera battery in a Chicago hotel room, so I don't have any pictures to post! I may include a couple gratuitous photos of the boys just for the fun of it, buy they will not be recent. (update...okay didn't find any really cute pictures that I took recently, so I decided to put a pic of Carlie and both of the boys when they were babies...since I really think Micki and I are the only ones really reading these things, I might as well make her smile too!)

Don't let my lack of posting think that we haven't been busy though! Starting way back with Labor Day. We took the boys to Chicago for the weekend and had a great time....we went to the aquarium, Navy Pier and several parks around downtown. I have some really cute pictures...but you will have to wait to see them!

Next, I had my "girls trip" to Hilton Head planned for last weekend. But then, Hurricane Hanna changed our plans so we had to cancel. I was very, very, very sad about this...just ask anyone around me last weekend.

Besides that, things are the same around here. The boys are enjoying the weather cooling down and bit and we are big into bike rides now. Nevermind that it takes at minimum 45 minutes to make it around the block, but it's still fun.

More later...with pictures!



Emily said...

Don't worry I'm still reading with my morning coffee. You guys always have such funny/interesting posts, it makes my comments seem boring. LOL

I don't think I've seen a picture of Caden that little before. WOW his hair isn't bleach-blonde. It doesn't even look like him.

Grandma Ringger said...

AAAhhhh-- these pictures make me teary --- How did they all grow so fast??
Glad you had fun in Chicago -- and sorry about you missing Hilton Head!!
Like I said -- WE ALL FELT SOOO SORRY FOR YOU!! (as you are getting ready for your next vacation) HHEE HEE
No we ARE NOT jealous!! (that's what we keep telling ourselves)
Give those precious boys a kiss from Grandma!!

thefourofus said...

Finally!!!! I was beginning to think you dropped off the face of the earth. Oh, you can add, taxi driver, PTL mom, House Church Leader and Bible Study leader to my duties....my life just keeps getting busier! Gotta run to pick up Carlie now!!