Saturday, October 18, 2008

We are in Disney!

Sorry I haven't been keeping up on this very well...I know that so many of you just can't sleep at night without your daily Adams' Fam fix, but we have been BUSY! Last weekend we hosted our big annual Adams Fall Party, which was a huge success. We had over 100 people show up and partied until the wee hours of the morning. I am actually amazed (and honored) that we have so many people that consider us friends!

Once we got that past (and cleaned up the aftermath) it was on to the next project...packing for Disney! Jerome has a conference down here this week, so the boys and I decided to tag along. The flight down went remarkably well, and the weather is awesome. Our resort is really nice and the boys LOVE the very heated pool and huge playground. We haven't been to anything "disney" yet, so as of right now the boys both think that our hotel room and pool is "Disney". Caden asked me in the pool this morning if we could stay here a yong (means LONG) time because he really loves Disney World better than our home. They will really impressed if we actually make it to a park! LOL

Alright, well the boys are actually napping and Jerome is at meeting this I guess it's nap time for me too! I will post some pictures next week when we get back.

Have a good week everyone!


1 comment:

thefourofus said...

I am so jealous of your life time let can the girls, Jeff and I tag along too?? Have fun at "Disney" - I sure couldn't fool Carlie with that one!