Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!

Well we are snowed in today with NOTHING to do, but take pictures of each other. It's only 9:30 a.m. and we have already fingerpainted, played dinoland & puppies, cleaned Caden's closet and started a load of laundry. We are waiting for the snow to stop so we can actually get out and build a snowman. Eli thinks we are going to build a snow family, complete with Mommy, Daddy and baby...but I am not so optimistic.

Anyway, here are a few pictures!

Yes, he still has his PJ's on and is eating a cupcake at 9am. Don't judge me, we have been up since 6am!

Caden is literally climbing the walls because he wants to go outside so bad!

1 comment:

Grandma Ringger said...

Judging you for letting him eat a cupcake for breakfast??? WHAT do you mean?! -- that is my favorite kind of breakfast food -- oh, and a coffee w/cream!!
mmmmmmm--- sounds yummy!!!