Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Millie's Baptism, Adams Visit & More

It has been way too long since I have updated...just so busy around here! Summer is almost here and I am hoping things slow down a bit finally. This is the last week of school for Caden and he could not be happier. He has his little graduation ceremony tonight, so I will be sure to post some pictures in about 6 months. lol

Most recent happenings in our house is that we had Jerome's parents for a visit last weekend and we had Millie baptized. It was a wonderful experience and Millie smiled and talked thru the whole thing. She was so cute. We shared the special day with our best friends Drew & Latefe, who are Millie's God Parents. Their youngest son Grant was also baptized and Jerome is the Godfather for Grant. I think we confused the priest a little with all the crossover...parents vs. Godparents, but we figured it all out and it was very nice. Oh, and we received the most original baptism gift ever! Drew & Latefe brew wine at home as a hobby and they made me a case of "Millie Chardonnay" to help us remember the day! So cool!!

Nana Adams & Millie...she's so in love!

Father Bill & Millie

Our "Millie Chardonnay" from the Trobridge Winery!

Nana Adams & Latefe's boys...they just matched so cute that I had to take a picture! :)

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