Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Caden's Graduation

Okay, two posts in one day...whoa, this is like a record for me! I finally got around to downloading my pictures from my camera so I am playing catch up!
Caden had his graduation ceremony last week and will officially start Kindergarten in the fall. He is excited, but is a little nervous, because I guess the word on the preschool street is that Kindergarten is A LOT of work, and we all know Caden is not that into work. :(

Daddy & Caden at the graduation ceremony. I think they are looking more and more alike!

Caden and his best friend Fuma. Fuma didn't speak English in the beginning of the year, so it was a pretty one sided friendship. He speaks really well now though, so I am glad it stuck. Caden is very proud to tell everyone that his best friend is from Japan. :)

This is Caden and ONE of his girlfriends named Greta. He must like the older girls because she is almost a full year older than him (hence the height difference, although Caden is a bit of a shorty!).
Finally, here is just a picture of Eli being silly. I feel bad that he is only one that didn't get a picture up today! And before you ask, yes he is getting a haircut TODAY actually. I think he looks a lot like Richard Simmons here! :)


thefourofus said...

You have one handsome boy Lacey -- he is going to be a heartbreaker! I can just hear him now..."Mom, I think I need a tutor, her name is Natalia..."

butchers said...

Brian definitely agreed that Eli needed a haircut, and it looks great! Before I even read all of your post, I couldn't believe how much Caden looks like Jerome. I don't think I notice it until I see them in pictures. Congrats Caden!!

Joanne said...

Ha, I was thinking how much he looked like Jerome in that first picture! He is super cute. Millie is gorgeous too, I can't believe how big she is getting and Stella too. I hope all are well!