Sunday, December 5, 2010

Snowy Sunday

We're having a lazy snow day today. Poor Eli has an ear infection but he still managed to get out and have a little fun. About 5 minutes after this video I noticed that his ear was actually BLEEDING out of it!! Oh my goodness, after a momentary freak out on my part, I think we are all recovered. He is antibiotics now and I am praying that some day our whole house may be healthy again!

Also, here is a picture of Caden with Santa at our church. Eli couldn't go since he was sick. Caden was supposed to deliver Eli's "list" to Santa for him (bendaroos & a DS) but he kind of froze with nervousness. We finally just decided that we would mail him our lists instead of telling him.

1 comment:

thefourofus said...

The differnce between boys and girls!!! And how about a "say hi to Aunt Micki?" Love you guys!