Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Adventures of boys...

This morning the boys found an earthworm in their sandbox and the poor thing has kept them entertained for about 2 hours now. It has taken a lot to convince them why it can't come in the house and be our new pet, or why we can't feed it to our fish, or why we can't put it in a jar and save it for grandpa to fish with and the list goes on. We were going to go to the pool this morning, but this worm thing is really seeming almost as fun as the pool to them! lol

Working together to give the worm a bath.

"See, he's all clean now!"

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's a GIRL!!!

Just wanted to post a couple of the first pictures of our baby GIRL! Jerome and I are still shock...we asked the ultrasound tech to check about 5 different times. The boys were with us and they were excited too. Eli kept asking the technician to turn up the TV because he couldn't here the baby yet. lol

Unless something changes, we have already picked a name for her too. It will be Amelia Ann Adams and we will probably call her Milly. Can't wait until December!!!

In the first picture she is sucking her thumb already. You could even see her little jaw moving. Sorry Grandpa Ringger, looks like another thumb sucker you'll have to work on! lol

Friday, July 3, 2009

My little Eli...

We battle daily about a lot of things in our house with Eli. He is just so dang stubborn and relentless. He will ask for the same thing over 100 times in an hour. Lately he has really wanted to paint his toenails like Mommy to be "bootiful" too. We go back and forth for days on end about why he can't do this. This morning though, he decided to take matters into his own hands and do it himself with a blue marker...