Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Morning!

We have had so much fun this year getting ready for Christmas! I think the boys are finally old enough to "get it" and they were so excited for the big morning. The week before Christmas we made gingerbread houses, made birthday cupcakes for Jesus, sprinkled reindeer food in the front lawn, went candlelight Christmas service at church and I am sure more that I am forgetting. Point is, we were READY for Christmas morning! The boys were bouncing off the walls all day on Christmas Eve and were even more excited after Santa snuck in while they were gone and left some Christmas PJ's under the tree for them to wear to bed that night.

So now, just three short hours after we got up this morning the boys are playing nicely with their new toys and Daddy is feverishly trying to put everything together for them. He has just started the wii so I am sure the rest of our day will be consumed by us sitting there trying to teach them how to play the games. Millie was great on Christmas morning too, and mostly slept thru all the commotion. Jerome has been joking that all Millie wants for Christmas is a wipe warmer, because she hates having her diaper changed w/ cold wipes. I mentioned this to a friend and neighbor and she promptly bought Princess Millie a wipe now even she will be a happy little girl tonight! :)

We hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas morning. We are feeling truly blessed to have our little family so happy and healthy this morning.
Love you,
Lacey & Jerome
Christmas Eve w/ their new PJ's

Our attempt at a photo of the three of them before you can see Millie is NOT happy, I think she is afraid of Eli, I know I would be. Caden is just is looking at her sympathetically thinking "I know Millie and he is ALWAYS like this!"

Coming downstairs Christmas Morning...

The first gift Eli opened...the Touch & Brush. He has begged for this daily and as you can see he was VERY excited to finally get it!

Eli's rendition of Away in the Manger...

Sunday, December 13, 2009

And the boys are back...

Jerome and I have been whispering and tip toeing around the house all weekend and I kept saying that it was silly to even be trying since the wildness is all coming back on Sunday. And, well...yes it is wild, but it is going shockingly smooth too. I am sure it doesn't hurt things that not only did Millie sleep ALL day (should be a fun night), we had great friends to bring us dinner.

The boys adore their sister and they just can't stop holding, touching, "helping" and her. They constantly think she needs another blanket, a pacifer, another toy, a bottle, etc...all awhile she just sleeps peacefully thru it all in her little seat.

Okay, well that is all I can update right time is sparse around here. Hope you enjoy the pictures!

Love, Lacey

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

She is here!

Jerome and I in the triage area...let's get this show started!
Mom & I before heading back to the operating room...

I am sure that almost everyone that checks this blog has already heard the news via email, facebook, etc...but just in case, our little Millie is here! She was born yesterday at 11:11 a.m. and weighed 6lbs, 9oz and was 19 inches long. Grandma & Grandpa Ringger were down here for my surgery, and Grandma even got to come into the operating room again with Jerome and I. Her full name is Amelia Ann Adams and as you see from the pictures has a TON of black hair. She is such a little sweetie, and most people say they see a little bit of each of the boys in her. Besides the Ringger upper lip though, I just don't see it. Everytime they bring her to me I am just shocked by that black hair! It is so stinkin' cute though.

I have been feeling great...I think I must have got the "hubby works here" hook up because really have not had that much pain yet. After a rough start with breastfeeding, she is getting much better today. If all continues to go well, we will be going home on Friday afternoon. I am trying to enjoy my "hospital vacation" and just focusing on relaxing and enjoying the one on one time with her. The poor thing has no idea what she is in store for when she gets home to her big brothers! LOL They boys, by the way, are having a great time up at Grandma & Grandpa Ringgers. I talked to them last night and they said that they think she looks like Grandpa Ringger and that she is cute.
I am just so thankful to God for our entire family and especially my new shopping partner! (just kidding Jerome!). Thank you to everyone for all the thoughts & prayers.

Love you,
Lacey, Jerome, Caden, Eli & Amelia

Monday, November 9, 2009

Amelia's Room

I am finally almost "done" with decorating the nursery...with just under a month to go! Here are some pictures of the finished room. It is over the top girlie, but I keep telling Jerome it's going to be our ONLY girl so he needs to just let me do what I want to do...and that seems to be working! LOL
A Caden & Eli orginal masterpiece...

A crystal nightlight...I mean seriously who even thought they made this kind of stuff?? LOL...I sure as heck didn't know!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Amelia Ann

We had an ultrasound today, so just a few more little updates. The boys went with us, so I can't remember *everything* that was said, but I think between the "get downs", "leave that alones", "stop pushing that button", etc...I remember the important stuff.

-Estimated weight is 4lbs and she is measuring exactly on target for how many weeks she is (32 weeks). If all stays well, c-section will still be at 37 weeks (or Dec 8th).

-I am not quite sure how the heck they can see it, but the tech claimed she has "thick curly hair"...I put a picture down below of what they are basing that one on

-Everything else looked good...she is not breech, which is a surprise and she was kicking like crazy during the whole session

-In the last picture she is throwing up a "peace sign" ... she's so cool already!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My little tree hugger....

We are trying to enjoy the last few semi-warm days of summer by spending as much time as we outside. Yesterday we stopped by the park on our way home and Caden decided that he wanted to climb every tree that was even close to being big enough to climb.

Also, I think Eli just had the realization that we live in the city this is our most recent conversation:

Eli: Mom, I'm really mad

Mom: what now Eli?

Eli: I like our house, but how come we don't have any leaves to jump into around here? It's not fair!

Dang PBS kids giving them ideas like jumping into leaf piles!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Soccer Team Pictures

The soccer season is over and the team photos finally came in. They were very excited to get their first trophies at the end of the season too. After the photographer took the picture he told everyone not to worry if they didn't smile because Eli smiled big enough for everyone. lol

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Adams Update

Time for another quick update. Things are going great around here. The boys have both started preschool and they are tolerating it okay...not loving it, but their okay. They would much rather just hang around the house with me all day, but who could blame them for that!? LOL They also are both playing on a soccer team this fall for 4-5 year olds. We had to sneak Eli in since he really isn't 4 until December, but he is doing great. Eli gets very frustrated with himself if he doesn't score at least one goal each game and thinks that he is the ONLY person that is allowed to return a ball to the coach that has gone out of bounds. There have been many wrestling matches on the ground for the ball...he even fights his own team members for it. :(

Finally, an update on what I am sure will be my most behaved child...ha! My c-section is scheduled for 11am on Tuesday, Dec the end is in sight and we cannot wait! I will post pictures of the over the top girlie nursery soon, poor Jerome cannot take much more pink!

1st day of preschool

Team Spain soccer uniforms!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The camera...

And we wonder why our camera seems to always be breaking...this is a video clip that I discovered while downloading the pictures off the other day:

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

State Fair...two times!

Yes, one trip to the State Fair with all of it's fried goodness was just not enough this year! Micki and the girls came down a last week and went to the fair the first day it opened. The weather was awesome and kids did great, until Caden's little crazy meltdown at the end of the day...but that is to be expected. We went back today with Jerome and had a great time again. I was really doing pretty good with not gaining a lot of weight this pregnancy until the doggone state fair hit town...fried cheese, corn dogs, ice cream, cheese fries and two boys that THINK they want everything and then take one bite and say "I don't yike that". And, of course, we can't let it go to waste! lol Anyway, enjoy the pictures!

The cousins ready to start the day!

Micki & and the girls...
Micki on the tractor ride with the kids. It just so happened that I had to sit with the stroller at the other end of the bench so Micki was lucky enough to try to keep all four kiddos on the moving trailor while juggling popcorn, drinks and various phone calls from grandma & grandpa. I had it pretty rough too though, that stroller really got heavy and at times the canopy didn't provide full shade for me. :)

Eli and the rabbits...
Caden and the Dairy Princess...the girls wanted to do it, so Caden couldn't miss out either!
Tractor races...

The "World's Largest Pig" ... and before you say it Dad, I do mean the Boar in the cage and not the pregnant lady behind it!

Lakes w/ the Ringgers...really late post!

Okay, sorry, I am such a slacker when it comes to updating this thing. Anyway, so there will probably be a couple posts tonight to get everyone caught up. We are having a great summer and doing all sorts of fun, crazy things. They boys start school tomorrow, and I will just be SO SAD...hahahahahhah...I hope you know I am kidding about that. Anyway, here are some pictures from out great weekend up at Dustin & Emily's lake cottage in Michigan. We all had so much fun!!
Grandpa & Caden on the tube!
Daddy & Eli getting ready to take off!
This was pretty much the scene the entire weekend...grandpa pacing around and the boys following him around w/ their tackle boxes and fishing poles.
The boys w/ Grandma & Emily...Caden still w/ the fishing pole.
Eli showing off all of his cool bait that Grandpa stocked his tackle box with...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Adventures of boys...

This morning the boys found an earthworm in their sandbox and the poor thing has kept them entertained for about 2 hours now. It has taken a lot to convince them why it can't come in the house and be our new pet, or why we can't feed it to our fish, or why we can't put it in a jar and save it for grandpa to fish with and the list goes on. We were going to go to the pool this morning, but this worm thing is really seeming almost as fun as the pool to them! lol

Working together to give the worm a bath.

"See, he's all clean now!"