Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And the fun continues...

You know I must be getting a little stir-crazy around here...two posts in one day! Well, we did venture outside and were very disappointed to find out that it was not the right kind of snow for a snowman family...although we did try over and over again. But the boys still have fun walking around, shoveling paths, filling up their dump trucks and trying to clean the deck off. I can't believe how much snow is out there! Here are some pictures!

The boys trudging thru the snow...

Caden falling down out by the mailbox...obviously the snow plows have not been thru our neighborhood yet!

Eli trying to shovel the driveway

This is Caden. He begged me to tape this pillow to his back so he could "be a scuba diver". I'm not sure how having a Lightning McQueen pillow duct taped to your back makes you a diver, but what the heck. Actually, now that I am looking at the picture again...I bet he thinks that is an air tank or something. Hmm, funny that I just figured that out.

Snow Day!

Well we are snowed in today with NOTHING to do, but take pictures of each other. It's only 9:30 a.m. and we have already fingerpainted, played dinoland & puppies, cleaned Caden's closet and started a load of laundry. We are waiting for the snow to stop so we can actually get out and build a snowman. Eli thinks we are going to build a snow family, complete with Mommy, Daddy and baby...but I am not so optimistic.

Anyway, here are a few pictures!

Yes, he still has his PJ's on and is eating a cupcake at 9am. Don't judge me, we have been up since 6am!

Caden is literally climbing the walls because he wants to go outside so bad!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Great Wolf Lodge!

We just back from a fantastic weekend at Great Wolf Lodge in Cincinnati! This may end up sounding like a commercial for the place, but seriously we had such a great time it's hard not to talk it up! We started the weekend on Friday and drove straight to the Cincinnati Aquarium. The boys are REALLY into sea creatures and sharks right now, so they were beyond excited for this part. The Aquarium was awesome and was very kid friendly. Here are a few pics from the Aquarium:

Eli in front of a frog tank...not a great picture of the frogs, but I think Eli looks so cute here!

Talking to the diver in the tank. Caden decided after this trip that he might want to rethink his career choice of wanting to be a school bus driver, and is considering being a diver. We will be happy either way. :)
One of the larger sharks in the shark tank...

Feeding the Lorikeet birds...

Skinny Eli playing in the wave pool...

The first night in the hotel Eli slept in the 2nd queen bed and Caden slept on the pull out sofa. All was well until 6am when we awoke to a big thud when Eli rolled off the bed. So the 2nd night, we tried to convince him to sleep in the pack n play, but he was adament that he was too big for it. So Jerome had the brilliant idea of making him his own "dinosaur cave" for him by turning the pack n play on it's side, and he was happy as can be!

This is the treehouse/clocktower thing in the lobby of the hotel. It comes to life a few times a day and goes thru a story/song. Then at the 8pm show all the kids come down in the PJs for story time after the show. It's so cute!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Cookie night...

The boys and I are on our own tonight (Saturday) while Jerome is on call at the hospital. We decided to make Colts Cookies to eat during the game (although, none of them really turned out to be Colts colors). The boys had a great time decorating the cookies and Caden is already begging for his third cookie of the night.
Don't mind the dirty shirt and the multiple Kroger's been a long day.