Sunday, September 20, 2009

Adams Update

Time for another quick update. Things are going great around here. The boys have both started preschool and they are tolerating it okay...not loving it, but their okay. They would much rather just hang around the house with me all day, but who could blame them for that!? LOL They also are both playing on a soccer team this fall for 4-5 year olds. We had to sneak Eli in since he really isn't 4 until December, but he is doing great. Eli gets very frustrated with himself if he doesn't score at least one goal each game and thinks that he is the ONLY person that is allowed to return a ball to the coach that has gone out of bounds. There have been many wrestling matches on the ground for the ball...he even fights his own team members for it. :(

Finally, an update on what I am sure will be my most behaved child...ha! My c-section is scheduled for 11am on Tuesday, Dec the end is in sight and we cannot wait! I will post pictures of the over the top girlie nursery soon, poor Jerome cannot take much more pink!

1st day of preschool

Team Spain soccer uniforms!


butchers said...

I can't wait for nursery pictures and for Amelia to arrive! And your boys look too cute in their soccer uniforms. They are growing up too fast!

thefourofus said...

They look so adorable in their soccer uniforms, I love it! How is Caden still doing in school?