Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My little tree hugger....

We are trying to enjoy the last few semi-warm days of summer by spending as much time as we outside. Yesterday we stopped by the park on our way home and Caden decided that he wanted to climb every tree that was even close to being big enough to climb.

Also, I think Eli just had the realization that we live in the city this morning...here is our most recent conversation:

Eli: Mom, I'm really mad

Mom: what now Eli?

Eli: I like our house, but how come we don't have any leaves to jump into around here? It's not fair!

Dang PBS kids giving them ideas like jumping into leaf piles!


thefourofus said...

LOL - You tell Eli to come visit his Aunt Micki - we have PLENTY of leaves to jump in! We just had a bonfire and leaf jumping on Sunday! We'd love to have the boys!! Come home soon - I miss seeing them!

butchers said...

When did Caden get so big?!? They are growing up way too fast! Eli is just too funny with the things he comes up with. Hope to see you guys soon!!